Emerge and Spread Your Wings

Setting An Intention

It is getting closer to Christmas and the anticipation is gathering. The pohutukawa trees are flowering in crimson glory and I hear the fish are biting. I have a week of prize givings to attend and final supervision sessions for the year. Wrapping up, and wrapping up. Not rapping up though – I’ll leave that to the kids.

For me part of the anticipation of this time of year is the beginning of a long summer holiday. I remember feeling quite out of sorts when living in the UK. It seemed like once Christmas and New Year were gone it was just business as usual. One of the advantages of the NZ summer – long evenings, family and friends, and a natural change of pace with opportunities to reflect. The sense that “if only it could be like this all year …”

If your summer space leads you to contemplating a different 2018 from this year I have a suggestion for you.

I usually close up shop for the summer school holidays so as not to have to juggle around kids, but this year I have decided to once again offer the goal setting strategy sessions I ran in 2016. I had such good feedback from them and I think the timing of January sets up success for year.

Intentional 2018

is an opportunity to work 1:1 specifically on setting sustainable and intentional goals for your new work year.

Gain clarity and focus, achieve meaningful changes and set up 2018 as your best year yet with a creative and intentional goal setting process.

Align your goals with what is meaningful to you.

Identify the small steps that will add up through consistent action to reach your goals.

Come away with clarity around your goals for the year, with specific goals, projects and actions for the first 3 months.

Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas with plenty of opportunities for reflection and enhancing your wellbeing.

Best wishes,

Jill x