Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Many of you will know that 2013 was a huge year for my family as we “upped sticks” and moved to Cromwell in the South Island. It had been a dream Neil and I had talked about for yonks to give our kids an opportunity to experience a new community, climate, lifestyle and adventure. A year of new experiences.
Always “stuff” got in the way.
Turning the dream into reality started with a simple conversation. Instead of listing all the reasons why we couldn’t, I asked “What if …” “If money was taken out of the equation, what would need to be in place for us to move away for a year and live our dream?” (Doesn’t money often become The But?)
Almost immediately it started to fall into place. We identified the need for a trusted business manager, good school options, a fully furnished rental property, tenants for our house, a locum job, a positive attitude towards adventure to get our children on-side, A PLAN. It was incredibly powerful how by sharing a dream and asking “what if?” we shifted our focus, energy and commitment from excuses to making it happen.
By building on that last leap of faith, now back in Whangarei, I have committed to growing my professional supervision business. One of my dreams is to make supervision more widely recognized as an important tool for professional wellbeing for anyone working in health and healing professions.
So I ask you “if ………. was taken out of the equation, what would need to be in place for you to thrive in your chosen work?”
From Why not?…to What if?

Cromwell, Central Otago